PC AIRFLOW First of all lets talk about what kinds of air flow can occur in a PC: 1- POSITIVE AIRFLOW 2-NEGATIVE AIRFLOW 3-NEUTRAL AIRFLOW POSITIVE AIRFLOW When we think positive we always tend to think that it is always better but it is not always so in all cases.In a PC a positive airflow means that there is more intake fans than exhaust fans.This is not bad but also we cannot say its good it depends upon how you use it .If there are a lot of intake fans then it might create pressure of air in the case and cause fans in the case to run in a more unstable manner.But even though it has less chance for fans to run unstable there are also other things that can happen like hot air finding it difficult to find its way out which causes cpu temps and other motherboard temps to rise faster.I don't mean its particularly bad for you but if used properly positive airflow is not that bad you know. NEGATIVE AIRFLOW Just like positive airflow negative ...